Text can be created in a variety of ways, but the most common is putting a string into a Text
Text(markdown: """
Although you *can* use elements such as `Strong` and `Italic` to style your text, it's easier to use markdown. To do that, use `Text(markdown:)` then write your Markdown as normal.
Although you can use elements such as Strong
and Italic
to style your text, it’s easier to use markdown. To do that, use Text(markdown:)
then write your Markdown as normal.
It's common to place other elements inside text, to gain access to alignment and more. For example, icons, badges, and images are all commonly used inside text.
Text {
"To do that, pass items into the text using a trailing closure. "
Strong {
"Using this approach you can add styling all you want, just by building up elements. "
Emphasis {
"Although Markdown is still easier, to be honest! "
"Here's an image right inside our text:"
Image("/images/photos/washing.jpg", description: "A laundry basket.")
.frame(maxWidth: 250)
To do that, pass items into the text using a trailing closure. Using this approach you can add styling all you want, just by building up elements. Although Markdown is still easier, to be honest! Here's an image right inside our text:
You can adjust the weight of text using the fontWeight()
modifier, like this:
Text("Hello, world!")
There are a variety of available weights available, from .black
down to .ultraThin
Text("Hello, world: Black")
Text("Hello, world: Heavy")
Text("Hello, world: Bold")
Text("Hello, world: Semibold")
Text("Hello, world: Medium")
Text("Hello, world: Regular")
Text("Hello, world: Light")
Text("Hello, world: Thin")
Text("Hello, world: Ultra Light")
Use the horizontalAlignment()
modifier to adjust how your text is aligned:
Text("This is left-aligned text.")
Text("This is center-aligned text.")
Text("This is right-aligned text.")
This is left-aligned text.
This is center-aligned text.
This is right-aligned text.
Change your text’s color using the foregroundStyle()
modifier. This can be one of the standard roles, e.g. .danger
, or can be a regular color.
Text("This is dangerous text.")
Text("This is steel blue text.")
This is dangerous text.
This is steel blue text.
Created in Swift with Ignite