Cards provide a standard way of representing group information.
They have various options depending on what data you want to provide and how you want it to look.
Here's an example card, with image, content, and a button going back to the homepage:
Card(imageName: "/images/photos/dishwasher.jpg") {
Text("Before putting your dishes into the dishwasher, make sure and give them a quick pre-clean.")
Link("Back to the homepage", target: "/")
.frame(maxWidth: 500)
Before putting your dishes into the dishwasher, make sure and give them a quick pre-clean.
Back to the homepageIt’s also possible to omit the imageName
parameter and simply place a image in the content:
Card {
Text("An image embedded")
Image(decorative: "/images/photos/rug.jpg")
Text("as part of the card")
.frame(maxWidth: 500)
An image embedded
as part of the card
Content position
By default the contents of your card are positioned below any image, but you can change that using .contentPosition()
with a value of
or ContentPosition.bottom
Card(imageName: "/images/photos/rug.jpg") {
Text(markdown: "Content below image: `.top`")
Content below image: use .top
Content below image: use .bottom
By default the contents of your card are positioned below any image, but you can change that using .contentPosition(.overlay)
and optionally also the imageOpacity()
Card(imageName: "/images/photos/dishwasher.jpg") {
Text("Before putting your dishes into the dishwasher, make sure and give them a quick pre-clean.")
Link("Back to the homepage", target: "/")
.frame(maxWidth: 500)
To control the position of the overlay you can specify an alignment using .overlay(alignment:)
with one of the following options:
You can attach headers and/or footers to your cards, and they automatically get styled appropriately. This is in addition to any image you provide, or any titles used in the card body.
Card {
Text("This is important!")
Text("This is card body text. This is card body text. This is card body text. This is card body text. This is card body text.")
} header: {
"Header Example"
} footer: {
"Your footer goes here footer"
This is card body text. This is card body text. This is card body text. This is card body text. This is card body text.
Cards have three styles: .default
, .solid
, and .bordered
, and can also be assigned roles. The .default
style does nothing special, but both .solid
and .bordered
apply coloring based on role.
ForEach(Card.Style.allCases) { style in
if style != .default {
Text(markdown: "`\(style)` style")
ForEach(Role.allCases) { role in
Card {
"This is a \(style) card with the \(role) role."
} header: {
Spacer(size: .xLarge)
styleCreated in Swift with Ignite