
Accordions are a bit like disclosure groups: users see a group of headings, and can click on one to expand it, revealing its contents.

This creates a simple accordion:

Accordion {
    Item("First item") {
        Text("This is the first accordion item.")

    Item("Second item") {
        Text("This is the second accordion item.")

    Item("Third item") {
        Text("This is the third accordion item.")
.margin(.bottom, .xLarge)

This is the first accordion item.

This is the second accordion item.

This is the third accordion item.

This accordion is set to allow multiple items to be open at a time:

Accordion {
    Item("First") {
        Text("This is the first accordion item.")

    Item("Second") {
        Text("This is the second accordion item.")

    Item("Third") {
        Text("This is the third accordion item.")

This is the first accordion item.

This is the second accordion item.

This is the third accordion item.

You can configure individual items to be open by default if you want:

Accordion {
    Item("First", startsOpen: true) {
        Text("This item will start open by default.")

    Item("Second") {
        Text("This is the second accordion item.")

    Item("Third") {
        Text("This is the third accordion item.")

This item will start open by default.

This is the second accordion item.

This is the third accordion item.

And you can add more complex elements and styling to your accordion titles and contents if you want:

Accordion {
    Item(Emphasis { "This title is italic" }, startsOpen: true) {
        Text {
            Image("/images/photos/chair.jpg", description: "This is a picture of a chair, and not a dog.")

        Text("This is the first accordion item.")

    Item(Underline { "This title is underlined." }) {
        Text("This is the second accordion item.")

    Item(Strong { "This title is bold." }) {
        Text("This is the third accordion item.")

This is a picture of a chair, and not a dog.

This is the first accordion item.

This is the second accordion item.

This is the third accordion item.

Created in Swift with Ignite