Links direct users to other parts of your site, or to external locations.
In the simplest case we can create a link with a string target:
Text {
Link("Go Home", target: "/")
Alternatively, you can use page types directly to get their path:
Text {
Link("Learn about carousels", target: CarouselExamples())
Using a `.target(.blank)` modifier opens new tabs
Text {
Link("Another tab of links", target: LinkExamples())
Tip: Page targets use initialized pages, so you can pass in custom values that adjust the path.
Links can have roles to control how they appear:
ForEach(Role.badgeRoles) { role in
Text {
Link("Link with \(role.rawValue) role.", target: "#")
Use linkStyle(.button)
to style links as buttons:
ForEach(Role.badgeRoles) { role in
Text {
Link("Button-style link with \(role.rawValue) role.", target: "#")
Button-style link with primary role.
Button-style link with secondary role.
Button-style link with success role.
Button-style link with danger role.
Button-style link with warning role.
Button-style link with info role.
Created in Swift with Ignite