
Images can be either pictures from your /Assets/images folder, or one of the built-in icons.

Pictures are shown at their natural size by default; you'll usually want to add the `resizable()` modifier to make them scalable:

Image("/images/photos/rug.jpg", description: "A rug. Not a dog, a rug.")
A rug. Not a dog, a rug.

Most images should be created with a description value provided, for screen readers.

If you’re working with large images, consider using the lazy() modifier to have them loaded lazily.


You can also create images from icons. If they are inside Text, they will resize with the font:

let icons = ["airplane", "apple", "arrow-counterclockwise", "award", "balloon", "book", "brightness-high"]

for font in [Font.title1, .title2, .title3, .title4, .title5, .title6, .body] {
    Text {
        for icon in icons {
            Image(systemName: icon)
                .margin(.trailing, 20)

Use the foregroundStyle() modifier to recolor your icons, like this:

let colors = [, .blue, .indigo, .slateGray, .gold, .orange, .tomato, .gray]

Text {
    for (icon, color) in zip(icons, colors) {
        Image(systemName: icon)
            .margin(.trailing, 20)

Tip: Make sure your site configuration options enables the built-in icons.

In case you hadn't noticed, this page uses a custom theme that places some random content on the right-hand side.

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So you think you know Swift? Think again! Fresh from the success of our audiobook launch, Laboratoires TwoStraws is back with an all-new card game that will finally give you something to do while waiting for Xcode to finish indexing.

Created with Ignite